You're |movement>[(cond: $running, "running", "walking")] through the woods. You are wielding a $equipment, and can see about $viewDistance ft in front of you, give or take.
You've traveled |distanceTraveled>[(floor:(abs:$distance))] ft.
|runninglink>[(link-rerun:(cond:$running,"Stop Running",$exhausted,"Exhausted...","Start Running"),(button:))[(if:not $exhausted or $running)[(set:$running to not it)(rerun:?runninglink,?dodgelink,?movement)]]]
|dodgelink>[(if: not $running)[(link-rerun:(cond:$exhausted,"Exhausted...","Dodge"),(button:))[(if:not $exhausted and $dodgeCD is 0)[(set:$iframes to 10, $dodgeCD to 60)(rerun:?dodgelink)]]]]
|gun>[(if:$equipment is "M1911" and $bullets > 0)[(link-rerun: "Fire M1911 - "+(plural: $bullets, "bullet")+" left.",(button:))[(if:$gunCD is 0)[(if: $creature < 10 and > -10)[(hide:?creaturedist)(set:$creature to (random: 500,750))](set: $bullets to it - 1,$gunCD to 1000)(rerun:?gun)]]
]]|creaturedist)[You (cond:$creature < 0,"can see the creature behind you, chasing you down, about ","can see the creature running towards you, about ")(floor:(abs:$creature)) ft away.]
|healthmeter)[(b4r:"solid")(meter: bind $health, 10000, "=XXX=", "Health", (gradient:90,0,#f00,0.5,#ff0,1,#0f0))
]|staminameter)[(b4r:"solid")(meter: bind $stamina, 1000, "=XXX=", "Stamina", (cond: $exhausted, #f00, cyan))]|invmeter)[
(b4r:"solid")(meter: bind $iframes, 10, "=XXX=", "Dodge", #f80)]|dodgemeter)[
(b4r:"solid")(meter: bind $dodgeCD, 60, "=XXX=", "Dodge Cooldown")]|knifemeter)[
(b4r:"solid")(meter: bind $knifeCD, 10000, "=XXX=", "Knife Cooldown", #ee0)]|gunmeter)[
(b4r:"solid")(meter: bind $gunCD, 1000, "=XXX=", "M1911 Cooldown", #ee0)]
(live:10ms)[(set:$stamina to ($clamp:it + (cond: $running, -3, $exhausted, 0.5,1),0,1000),$distance to it + (cond: $running,0.6,$exhausted,0.1,0.15),$inviframes to ($clamp: it - 1,0,30),$creature to it - ($creatureSpeed + (cond: $running,0.6,$exhausted,0.1,0.15)),$creatureSpeed to ($clamp: it + (cond: $creature > 0, 0.04, -0.04),-0.43,0.43))(if: $health <= 0)[(if: $knifeCD > 0 or $equipment is not "knife")[(goto:"killed")](else:)[(hide:?creaturedist)(set:$creature to (random: 500,750), $health to 1, $knifeCD to 10000)]](rerun:?distanceTraveled,?creaturedist)(if: $stamina is 0 and $runnin6)[(set: $running to false)(rerun:?runninglink,?dodgelink,?movement)](if:$creature < 1 and $creature > -1 and $iframes is 0 and $inviframes is 0)[(set: $health to it - 6666,$inviframes to 30)](if: $stamina < 250 and not $exhaustedRanAlready)[(set: $exhausted to true, $exhaustedRanAlready to true)(rerun:?staminameter,?runningLink,?dodgelink)](if: $stamina >= 250 and $exhaustedRanAlready)[(set: $exhausted to false, $exhaustedRanAlready to false)(rerun:?runninglink,?staminameter,?dodgelink)](if:$health is 10000)[(hide:?healthmeter)](else:)[(show:?healthmeter)(set:$health to ($clamp:it + (cond: $exhausted, 0.5,$stamina is 1000,1.5,1),-10000,10000))](if:$stamina is 1000)[(hide:?staminameter)](else:)[(show:?staminameter)](if:$dodgeCD is 0)[(hide:?dodgemeter)](else:)[(show:?dodgemeter)(set:$dodgeCD to ($clamp: it - 1,0,60))](if: $equipment is "knife")[(if:$knifeCD is 0)[(hide:?knifemeter)](else:)[(show:?knifemeter)(set: $knifeCD to ($clamp: it - 1, 0, 10000))]](if: $equipment is "M1911")[(if:$gunCD is 0)[(hide:?gunmeter)](else:)[(show:?gunmeter)(set: $gunCD to ($clamp: it - 1, 0, 1000))]](if:$iframes is 0)[(hide:?invmeter)](else:)[(show:?invmeter)(set:$iframes to ($clamp: it - 1,0,20))](if:$creature < $viewDistance)[(show:?creaturedist)](if: $creature < -50)[(hide:?creaturedist)(set:$creature to (random: 500,750))]](set: $health to 10000, $stamina to 1000, $distance to 0, $creature to (random: 300,500), $iframes to 0, $viewDistance to (cond:$equipment is "flashlight",250,50), $dodgeCD to 0, $creatureSpeed to 0, $running to false, $exhausted to false, $bullets to 3, $exhaustedRanAlready to false, $gunCD to 0, $knifeCD to 0)(set:$clamp=(macro:num-type _input,num-type _min,num-type _max,[(if: _min > _max)[(error: "I can't clamp a number if the max value is lower then the min value.")](out-data:(max:(min:_input,_max),_min))]))(goto:"game")You fall to the ground from the sheer damage you've taken. The creature jumps onto you, and begins ripping you apart with its claws. You are covered in blood as you scream for help. But nobody will save you.
You traveled (floor:$distance) ft before dying.
(if:(floor:$distance) > $record)[(set:$record to (floor:$distance))New Record!](else:)[Farthest Run: $record ft]
(link:"New Run",(button:))[(goto:"Take an item")]
(link:"Restart Tutorial",(button:))[(goto:"Tutorial")]# Tutorial
You are wandering through the woods, and you're trying to get as far as you can, but something's out here, and it's trying to ***kill*** you.
* You have 2 gauges that are important:
** Health
*** How much health you have, duh.
** Stamina
*** How long you can run.
* You also have 2 more gauges, which are less important:
** Dodge
*** How long until your dodge ends.
** Dodge Cooldown
*** How long you have to wait until you can dodge again.
* The last gauge that will appear is the cooldown for your equipment, if it has one.
Note that you will not see these gauges immediately. Instead, you will only see them when they are relevant (health when you're injured, stamina when it's not full, so on).
When the creature is about to make contact with you, dodge out of the way. You cannot dodge while running. Your dodge doesn't last long, so time it well. Once you dodge, while it's slowing down to chase you down, start running away. Once it starts to fall behind (50 ft away) it will leave you alone to charge you later.
You can run until you run out of stamina. Once you get below 25% stamina, you will become *Exhausted*. When you are *Exhausted*, you walk 33% slower, regenerate health 50% slower, recover stamina 50% slower, and cannot start running or dodge an attack until you reach 25% stamina again.
You regenerate health slowly over time. You recover health 50% slower when *Exhausted*, and 50% faster when your stamina is full. If your health runs out, you die (obviously).
[[Start|Take an item]]|equip>[You decide to bring a (link: $equipment)[(set: $equipment to (cond: it is "flashlight", "knife", it is "knife", "M1911", "flashlight"))(rerun:?equip)] with you, (cond:$equipment is "flashlight", "allowing you to see the monster from five times as far away.", $equipment is "knife", "which can save you from death.", "allowing you to shoot the creature within a range of 10 ft, causing it to flee. You have 3 bullets.")]
[[Head into the woods...|INIT]](set: $equipment to "flashlight")(goto:"Tutorial")