NumSym Interpreter

NumSym created by Stiathirs the Protogen



0-9             Push that number to the stack.

^               Take input from the user and push its ASCII value to the stack. If there's
                no more input to take, pushes 0 to the stack.

!               Duplicate the top value on the stack.

@               Reverses the order of the stack.

+ - * / %       Pop the top two values and add/subtract/multiply/divide/mod them, the top
                value being on the right side.

;               Pop the top value of the stack and discard it.

#               Pop the top value of the stack and output it as a number.

$               Pop the top value of the stack and output it as its corresponding
                ASCII character.

< = >           Pop the top two values and check if the left side is less than/equal to
                /greater than the right, the top value being on the right side. If the condition is
                true, pushes 1 to the stack, otherwise, pushes 0.
[               Start a loop if the top value of the stack is not 0 (the value is not removed from the
                stack, use ; to discard it if not needed).

]               End a loop. This is ignored if not in a loop.

You may use as much or as little whitespace as you wish (even none).
Anything that isn't a command is automatically removed by the interpreter.


Hello World [Load]: 98*!$65*1-+!$7+!$!$3+!$25*1+32**1+-!$62*-!$25*1+5*+!$64*+!$3+!$6-!$8-!$25*1+32**1+-$

Hello World (shorter) [Load]: 98*!65*1-+!7+!!3+!25*1+32**1+-!62*-!25*1+5*+!64*+!3+!6-!8-!25*1+32**1+-0@[$]

Truth Machine [Load]: ^68*1+=[!#]#

Cat Program [Load]: ^[$^]

99 Bottles of Beer [Load]:

Sample Commenting, done on the truth machine:

0[This is a loop comment, and any code that is in here will never run, like 188*+$.
  Loop comments are formatted like this: 0[Comment];
  The semicolon at the end is important because it discards the 0 we pushed to the stack.
  [ and ] can also be used, they just have to be balanced.
  The way this works is by pushing a 0 to the stack, and starting a loop, the loop will be skipped because the top value is 0.
  We don't have to use loop comments if we aren't going to use instructions in a comment, but it's still recommended.];

0[This is a truth machine. If the user inputs 0, print a 0 and terminate the program. If the user inputs 1, print 1s indefinitely];

0[Get user input, this can be assumed to be a 1 or a 0, but if it isn't, it will be treated like a 0 later:]; ^
0[Push 49 to the stack, the ASCII code for 1:]; 68*1+
0[Check if the user input is 49, if so, push 1 and start the loop:]; =[
0[Duplicate the user input and output it:]; !#
0[End the loop:]; ]
0[The only way the program will reach this point is if a number or letter that isn't 1 was input. Just output 0 and call it a day:]; #