Rolling 3d6 for Strength: (text: $player's strength)
Rolling 3d6 for Dexterity: (text: $player's dexterity)
Rolling 3d6 for Constitution: (text: $player's constitution)
(if: $rerolls is not 1)[(linkrevealgoto: (text: $rerolls - 1) + " Reroll" + (cond: $rerolls > 2, "s", "") + " Left", "ROLL")[(set: $rerolls to it - 1)]](if: $player's health < 1)[(set:$player's health to 1, $res to 1)](set: $inventoryLocation to "main")(rerun:?maingui)(if: $vNum < 0)[(goto: "UPDATE")](set: $adventureStarted to 0)
(if: $res is 1)[You were resurrected in town.(if: $player's stash > 0 is true)[
As you check for your stash, it's gone!]
](if: $usedUndyingLocket)[(set:$usedUndyingLocket to false, $undyingLocketCursed to false)The wings on your Locket of Undying begin to glow white once again.
(if: $res is not 1)[[[Adventure!|adventureINIT]]](else:)[You are exhausted from your resurrection. Maybe you should rest?]
[[Shopping District]]
[[Town Hall]]
(set:$player's stash to 0)
(if:(save-game:"A"))[](else:)[(alert: "Your game couldn't be saved. Are cookies blocked?","OK")](set: _eventRoll to (random: 1,100), $eventResult to (random: 1,100), $eventCount to it + 1)
(if: _eventRoll <= 5 and $killStreak >= 5 and $justAtEvent is false)[(set: $justAtEvent to true)(goto:"Shrine")](elseif: _eventRoll <= 15 and $killStreak >= 2 and $justAtEvent is false)[(set: $justAtEvent to true)(goto:"Clearing")](else:)[(set: $eventCount to it - 1)(goto:"Monster Encounter")]
<!-- You might be wondering why I added then subtracted on monster encounter, but it's easier to just do that then repeat the +1 for each event -->(set: $sleeptime to 1)|rest>[(set: $dispHP to ($clamp:$player's health + ($sleeptime * 10),1,$player's maxhealth))You will rest for (plural: $sleeptime, "day").]
(if: $player's awareness > 1)[You will have |disp>[$dispHP]/(text: $player's maxhealth) HP when you are done resting.](else:)[You will |disp>[(set:_phr to $dispHP / $player's maxhealth)(cond: _phr >= 1, "be in perfect health", _phr > 0.75, "be in good health", _phr > 0.5, "remain wounded", _phr > 0.25, "remain majorly wounded", _phr > 0, "remain at Death's Door")] when you are done resting.]
(linkrepeat: "[-10 Days]")[(set: $sleeptime to ($clamp: it - 10, 1, it))(rerun:?rest,?disp)] (linkrepeat: "[-1 Day]")[(set: $sleeptime to ($clamp: it - 1,1,it))(rerun:?rest,?disp)] (linkrepeat: "[+1 Day]")[(set: $sleeptime to it + 1)(rerun:?rest,?disp)] (linkrepeat: "[+10 Days]")[(set: $sleeptime to it + 10)(rerun:?rest,?disp)]
(link:"Rest")[(set: $player's health to ($clamp:it + ($sleeptime * 10),1,$player's maxhealth))(set: $res to false)(set: $day to it + $sleeptime, $daysRested to it + $sleeptime)(goto:"main")]
You enter the shopping district of town and browse the various shops.
You decide to go to:
[[Brute's Smithy]]
[[Locket Pocket]]
[[Perfect Potions]]
[[Unique Wares]]
[[Or return to the center of town.|main]]
(set: $openedInv to true)Equipment:
* Armor: |armor>[(set: _armorRef to $player's equipment's armor)(set: $player's defence to (cond: _armorRef is "None", 0, _armorRef is "Cloth Armor", 2, _armorRef is "Leather Armor", 4, _armorRef is "Steel Armor", 6))(text: $player's equipment's armor)(if: $player's equipment's armor is not "None")[ - (print: $player's defence) Damage Reduction - (if:$inventoryLocation is "Roll Initiative" or "Attack")[You cannot take off armor in combat!](else:)[(link: "Unequip")[(set:$player's equipment's armor to "None")(rerun:?armor)]]]]
* Weapon: |weapon>[(text: $player's equipment's weapon's name)(if: $player's equipment's weapon's name is not "None")[ - 1d(print: $player's equipment's weapon's die) Damage - (link: "Unequip")[(set:$player's equipment's weapon to (dm:"name","None","attacks",(a:"throw a jab at","deliver a right hook to","uppercut"),"die",4))(rerun:?weapon)]]]
* Locket: |locket>[(text: $player's equipment's locket)(if: $player's equipment's locket is not "None")[ - (cond: $player's equipment's locket is "Locket of Undying","Revives you once per adventure"+(cond:$undyingLocketCursed,"?","."),"For now this will never be reached, but is here for when I add more lockets.") -
(link: "Unequip")[(set:$player's equipment's locket to "None")(rerun:?locket)]]]
(if: $player's inventory's armor's length > 0)[Armor
(if:$player's inventory's armor contains "Cloth Armor")[Cloth Armor - (if:$inventoryLocation is "Roll Initiative" or "Attack")[You cannot put on armor in combat!](else:)[(link-repeat:"Equip")[(set: $player's equipment's armor to "Cloth Armor")(rerun:?armor)]] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "Simple armor made of cloth. Basically wearing a bunch of tiny pillows as protection. //Damage Reduction: 2//", "X")]
](if:$player's inventory's armor contains "Leather Armor")[Leather Armor - (if:$inventoryLocation is "Roll Initiative" or "Attack")[You cannot put on armor in combat!](else:)[(link-repeat:"Equip")[(set: $player's equipment's armor to "Leather Armor")(rerun:?armor)]] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "Armor made up of a leather vest, elbow, arm, knee, and leg pads. //Damage Reduction: 4//", "X")]
](if:$player's inventory's armor contains "Steel Armor")[Steel Armor - (if:$inventoryLocation is "Roll Initiative" or "Attack")[You cannot put on armor in combat!](else:)[(link-repeat:"Equip")[(set: $player's equipment's armor to "Steel Armor")(rerun:?armor)]] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "Your stereotypical steel armor. Despite being your stereotypical armor, it still offers great protection. //Damage Reduction: 6//", "X")]]
](if: $player's inventory's weapons's length > 0)[Weapons
(if: $player's inventory's weapons contains "Dagger")[Dagger - (link-repeat: "Equip")[(set: $player's equipment's weapon to (dm:"name","Dagger","attacks",(a:"stab","slash","impale"),"die",6))(rerun: ?weapon)] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "Your average dagger, despite its very short length, it can be deadly in the right hands. //Damage: 1d6//", "X")]
](if: $player's inventory's weapons contains "Shortsword")[Shortsword - (link-repeat: "Equip")[(set: $player's equipment's weapon to (dm:"name","Shortsword","attacks",(a:"quickly slash","stab","slice"),"die",8))(rerun: ?weapon)] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "A standard shortsword, short and light, but deadly. //Damage: 1d8//", "X")]
](if: $player's inventory's weapons contains "Longsword")[Longsword - (link-repeat: "Equip")[(set: $player's equipment's weapon to (dm:"name","Longsword","attacks",(a:"slash","stab","slice"),"die",10))(rerun: ?weapon)] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "A standard steel longsword, long and heavy, but very lethal. //Damage: 1d10//", "X")]
](if: $player's inventory's weapons contains "Morningstar")[Morningstar - (link-repeat: "Equip")[(set: $player's equipment's weapon to (dm:"name","Morningstar","attacks",(a:"bash","stab","impale"),"die",12))(rerun: ?weapon)] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "A steel club-like weapon with a spiked steel ball on its end, and is of medium weight. //Damage: 1d12//", "X")]
](if: $player's inventory's weapons contains "Ferinber")[Ferinber - (link-repeat: "Equip")[(set: $player's equipment's weapon to (dm:"name","Ferinber","attacks",(a:"cleave","slam","deliver a heavy slash to"),"die",20))(rerun: ?weapon)] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "A well-forged greatsword, deserving of its name. //Damage: 1d20//", "X")]]
](if: $player's inventory's lockets's length > 0)[Lockets
(if: $player's inventory's lockets contains "Locket of Undying")[Locket of Undying - (link-repeat: "Equip")[(set: $player's equipment's locket to "Locket of Undying")(rerun: ?locket)] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "A golden locket with the shape of a pair of wings embossed on it."+(cond:$undyingLocketCursed," The wings are glowing with a red light.",$usedUndyingLocket,""," The wings are glowing with a white light.")+ (cond:$undyingLocketCursed," //Revives you once per adventure?//"," //Revives you once per adventure.//"), "X")]]
](if: $player's inventory's potion's health > 0)[Potions
|healthPots>[(if: $player's inventory's potion's health > 0)[|healthPotCount>[(plural: $player's inventory's potion's health, "Health Potion")] - (link-repeat:"Quaff")[(set: $player's health to $player's maxhealth, $player's inventory's potion's health to it - 1)(rerun:?healthPots,?maingui)] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog:"A classic red potion. //Heals you to full health.//","X")]]]
](if: $player's inventory's crystal's trait > 0)[Crystals
(if: $player's inventory's crystal's trait > 0)[(plural: $player's inventory's crystal's trait, "Trait Crystal") - (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog:"A glowing green crystal, supposedly this helps improve a trait. //Can only be used on the Skills screen.//","X")]]
](linkgoto:"Return", $inventoryLocation)(if: not $adventuring)[(set: $adventuring to true, $killStreak to 0, $reloadBlocker to false)]
(set: $res to false, $rolledHealth to false, $justAtEvent to false)
(set: $monster to (dm:"name",(a:"dire wolf", "dire rat", "lich", "jackal", "kobold", "goblin", "death hound", "wild boar", "colossal worm", "giant mole", "cursed wolf")'s random,"health",0,"maxhealth",0))(set: $monster's healthstate to (a:"The "+$monster's name+" is not wounded.","The "+$monster's name+" doesn't seem to notice its wounds.","The "+$monster's name+" is whining in pain.","The "+$monster's name+" is staggering from it's wounds.","The "+$monster's name+" appears to be close to death."))
(goto: "Adventure!")(set: $goldLost to (round: $player's stash / 4))(set: $player's stash to it - $goldLost, $fleeCount to it + 1)You flee back to town!
You lost $goldLost GP from your stash!
Your stash is now worth (text: $player's stash) GP.
(if: not $fleeAchievement)[($giveFlee:)
[[Continue|claim]](set: $player's gold to it + $player's stash, $goldTotal to it + $player's stash)You claim (text: $player's stash) GP.
(if: $player's gold > 5000 and not $richAchievement)[($giveRich:)
$blackout[[Return to town|aDayPasses]](live: 3s)[(stop:)(set: $day to it + 1, $adventuring to false)(if: $killStreak > $highestKillStreak)[(set: $highestKillStreak to $killStreak)](goto: "main")]
|sp>[(plural: $player's skillpoints, "Skill Point")]
Strength: |str>[(text: $player's strength)] (linkrepeat: "+1")[(if: $player's skillpoints is not 0)[(set: $player's strength to it + 1, $player's skillpoints to it - 1)(set: $player's attack's modifier to (floor: $player's strength / 2) - 1)(rerun:?str,?dmgMod,?sp)]]
Dexterity: |dex>[(text: $player's dexterity)] (linkrepeat: "+1")[(if: $player's skillpoints is not 0)[(set: $player's dexterity to it + 1, $player's skillpoints to it - 1)(set: $player's stealth to (floor: $player's dexterity / 3))(rerun:?dex,?initBonus,?sp)]]
Constitution: |con>[(text: $player's constitution)] (linkrepeat: "+1")[(if: $player's skillpoints is not 0)[(set: $player's constitution to it + 1, $player's skillpoints to it - 1)(set: $player's stability to (floor: $player's constitution / 10))(set: $player's maxhealth to 10 + $player's constitution * 2, $player's health to it + 2)(rerun:?con,?staBonus,?sp)]]
Damage Modifier (Dependent on Strength): |dmgMod>[+(text: $player's attack's modifier)]
Initiative Bonus (Dependent on Dexterity) : |initBonus>[(text: $player's stealth)]
Stability Bonus on nat20 (Dependent on Constitution): +|staBonus>[(text:$player's stability)](if: $currentCrystal > 1)[
|tc>[(plural: $player's inventory's crystal's trait,"Trait Crystal")]
|vigor>[Tier (text: $player's vigor) Vigor - You recover (text: (floor: $killHealPercentage * 100))% of your maximum HP when killing a monster. |improveVigor>[(linkrepeat: "Improve")[(if: $player's inventory's crystal's trait is not 0)[(set: $player's vigor to it + 1, $player's inventory's crystal's trait to it - 1)(set: $killHealPercentage to $vigorousArray's ($player's vigor + 1))(rerun:?tc, ?vigor)]]](if: $player's vigor is 3)[(hide: ?improveVigor)]]
|agile>[Tier (text: $player's agility) Agility - You have a $dodgeChance% chance to dodge an attack. |improveAgile>[(linkrepeat: "Improve")[(if: $player's inventory's crystal's trait is not 0)[(set: $player's agility to it + 1, $player's inventory's crystal's trait to it - 1)(set: $dodgeChance to $agileArray's ($player's agility + 1))(rerun:?tc, ?agile)]]](if: $player's agility is 3)[(hide: ?improveAgile)]]
|unrelenting>[Tier (text:$player's relentlessness) Relentlessness - When you would be knocked out, you have a $lastStandChance% chance to not be knocked out. |improveUnrelenting>[(linkrepeat: "Improve")[(if: $player's inventory's crystal's trait is not 0)[(set: $player's relentlessness to it + 1, $player's inventory's crystal's trait to it - 1)(set: $lastStandChance to $unrelentingArray's ($player's relentlessness + 1))(rerun:?tc, ?unrelenting)]]](if: $player's relentlessness is 3)[(hide: ?improveUnrelenting)]]
|looter>[Tier (text: $player's looting) Looter - You gain (text: $goldMultiplier * 100)% more gold when killing a monster. |improveLooter>[(linkrepeat: "Improve")[(if: $player's inventory's crystal's trait is not 0)[(set: $player's looting to it + 1, $player's inventory's crystal's trait to it - 1)(set: $goldMultiplier to $looterArray's ($player's looting + 1))(rerun:?tc, ?looter)]]](if: $player's looting is 3)[(hide: ?improveLooter)]]
|quickLearner>[Tier (text: $player's adaptability) Quick Learner - You gain |em>[(text: (round:($expMultiplier - 1) * 100))%] more EXP. |improveQL>[(linkrepeat: "Improve")[(if: $player's inventory's crystal's trait is not 0)[(set: $player's adaptability to it + 1, $player's inventory's crystal's trait to it - 1)(set: $expMultiplier to $quickLearnerArray's ($player's adaptability + 1))(rerun:?tc, ?quickLearner)]]](if: $player's adaptability is 3)[(hide: ?improveQL)]]
|awareness>[Tier (text: $player's awareness) Awareness - (print:(cond: $player's awareness is 0, "You don't know any specifics about damage or health.", $player's awareness is 1, "You know the specifics about damage, but not health.", $player's awareness is 2, "You know the specifics about damage and your own health, but not that of an opponent.", "You know all about the damage dealt and the health of both you and an opponent.")) |improveAwareness>[(linkrepeat: "Improve")[(if: $player's inventory's crystal's trait is not 0)[(set: $player's awareness to it + 1, $player's inventory's crystal's trait to it - 1)(rerun:?tc, ?awareness)]]](if: $player's awareness is 3)[(hide: ?improveAwareness)]]
(event: when $player's inventory's crystal's trait is 0 and $currentCrystal is $traitTotal * 3 + 1 and $traitsAchievement is false)[($giveTraits:)
](event: when $player's maxhealth >= 100 and $healthyAchievement is false)[($giveHealthy:)
[[Return|main]](set: $goldLost to (round: $player's stash / 6))(set: $player's stash to it - $goldLost, $fleeCount to it + 1)You flee back to town!
You lost $goldLost GP from your stash!
Your stash is now worth (text: $player's stash) GP.
(if: not $fleeAchievement)[($giveFlee:)
(set: $yourRoll to (random: 1,20) + $player's stealth, $monsterRoll to (random: 1,20) + $killStreak, $inventoryLocation to "Attack")You roll 1d20+(text: $player's stealth) for initiative and get $yourRoll.
(if: $yourRoll >= $monsterRoll)[(set: $goFirst to true)You surprise the (print: $monster's name)!
(link: "Flee (Lose 1/6 of your stash)")[ Are you Sure? [[Yes|encflee]]]
[[Inventory]]](else:)[(set: $goFirst to false)The (print: $monster's name) glares at you and assumes an agressive pose. I guess it did see you.
(link: "Flee (Lose 1/4 of your stash)")[ Are you Sure? [[Yes|flee]]]
(if: $player's awareness is 3)[
(live:1ms)[Monster's Health: (cond: $player's health < 1, "???", $monster's health > 0, $monster's health, 0)/(text: $monster's maxhealth)]
](if: $openedInv)[
(link: "Flee (Lose 1/4 of your stash)")[ Are you Sure? [[Yes|flee]]]
You (print: $player's equipment's weapon's attacks's random) the (print: $monster's name)!(set: $yourDamage to (random: 1, $player's equipment's weapon's die) + $player's attack's modifier)
You dealt (if:$player's awareness > 0)[1d(text: $player's equipment's weapon's die)(cond: $player's attack's modifier > 0, "+" + (text:$player's attack's modifier),"") = $yourDamage ]damage!(set: $monster's health to it - $yourDamage, $damageDealt to it + $yourDamage)
(if: $monster's health < 1)[(set: $xpgain to (round:(random: 3,10) * (($killStreak * 0.1) + 1) * $expMultiplier))(set: $player's exp to it + $xpgain, $expTotal to it + $xpgain)(set: $loot to (round: (random: 3,7) * (($killStreak * 0.2) + 1) * (1+$goldMultiplier)))(set: $player's stash to it + $loot, $killStreak to it + 1, $killCount to it + 1)The (print: $monster's name) falls over dead!(if:$quest's name is "Hunting")[(if:$quest's objective is $monster's name)[(set: $quest's current to it + 1)(if:$quest's current is $quest's goal)[ Quest Complete! Claim your quest rewards in the Quests menu!]]]
(if: $player's vigor > 0)[(set: $recoveredHP to ($clamp:(ceil: $player's maxhealth * $killHealPercentage),0,$player's maxhealth - $player's health))(set: $player's health to it + $recoveredHP) You feel good from your kill and gain (cond: $player's awareness > 0, $recoveredHP, " some") HP! ] On the (print: $monster's name)'s corpse, it had $loot GP. Your stash is now worth (text: $player's stash) GP. You gained $xpgain EXP! (if: $player's exp >= $player's nextlevel)[($levelScript:)](if: $player's level is 2 and $level2Achievement is false)[
($give2Level:)](if: $player's level is 5 and $level5Achievement is false)[
($give5Level:)](if: $player's level is 10 and $level10Achievement is false)[
($give10Level:)](if: $player's level is 25 and $level25Achievement is false)[
($give25Level:)](if: $player's level is 50 and $level50Achievement is false)[
($give50Level:)](if: $player's level is 75 and $level75Achievement is false)[
($give75Level:)](if: $player's level is 100 and $level100Achievement is false)[
(if: $killCount is 1)[($giveFirstBlood:)
](if: $killStreak is 5 and $5StreakAchievement is false)[($give5Streak:)
](if: $killStreak is 10 and $10StreakAchievement is false)[($give10Streak:)
](if: $killStreak is 15 and $15StreakAchievement is false)[($give15Streak:)
](if: $killStreak is 20 and $20StreakAchievement is false)[($give20Streak:)
](if: $monster's health + 20 < 0 and $overkillAchievement is false)[($giveOverkill:)
[[Continue Adventuring!|adventureINIT]]
[[Go home|claim]]](else:)[The (print: $monster's name) attacks back!(set: $monsterDamage to (random:1,8) + $killStreak - $player's defence)
(if: $dodgeChance < (random: 1,100))[(if: $monsterDamage <= 0)[The (print: $monster's name)'s attack fails to penetrate your armor!](else:)[You take (if:$player's awareness > 0)[1d8(cond: $killStreak > 0, "+" + (text: $killStreak),"")(cond: $player's defence > 0, "-"+(text:$player's defence),"") = $monsterDamage ]damage!(set: $player's health to it - $monsterDamage, $damageTaken to it + $monsterDamage)]
(if: $player's health < 1)[(if: $lastStandChance < (random:1,100))[(if: not $usedUndyingLocket and $player's equipment's locket is "Locket of Undying")[
Just before you collapse, you're enveloped in a white light!(set: $player's health to (floor: $player's maxhealth / 2), $usedUndyingLocket to true)
](else:)[(set:$koCount to it + 1)You are knocked down by the attack!
[[Your life is in the hands of Fate]]]](else:)[(set: $player's health to 1, $survivedDeathBlowCount to it + 1)You are staggered by the killing blow, but stand your ground!(if: not $unkillableAchievement)[
($giveUnkillable:)]]]](else:)[(set: $dodgeCount to it + 1)You dodge the attack!(if: not $dodgeAchievement)[
($giveDodge:)]](if: $player's health > 0)[
(set:_mhr to $monster's health / $monster's maxhealth)(cond:_mhr is 1, $monster's healthstate's 1st, _mhr > 0.75, $monster's healthstate's 2nd, _mhr > 0.5, $monster's healthstate's 3rd, _mhr > 0.25, $monster's healthstate's 4th, $monster's healthstate's 5th)
(link: "Flee (Lose 1/4 of your stash)")[ Are you Sure? [[Yes|flee]]]
[[Inventory]]]]](else:)[The (print: $monster's name) attacks!(set: $monsterDamage to (random:1,8) + $killStreak - $player's defence)
(if: $dodgeChance < (random: 1,100))[(if: $monsterDamage <= 0)[The (print: $monster's name)'s attack fails to penetrate your armor!](else:)[You take (if:$player's awareness > 0)[1d8(cond: $killStreak > 0, "+" + (text: $killStreak),"")(cond: $player's defence > 0, "-"+(text:$player's defence),"") = $monsterDamage ]damage!(set: $player's health to it - $monsterDamage, $damageTaken to it + $monsterDamage)]
(if: $player's health < 1)[(if: $lastStandChance < (random:1,100))[(if: not $usedUndyingLocket and $player's equipment's locket is "Locket of Undying")[
Just before you collapse, you're enveloped in a white light!(set: $player's health to (floor: $player's maxhealth / 2), $usedUndyingLocket to true)
](else:)[(set:$koCount to it + 1)You are knocked down by the attack!
[[Your life is in the hands of Fate]]]](else:)[(set: $player's health to 1, $survivedDeathBlowCount to it + 1)You are staggered by the killing blow, but stand your ground!(if: not $unkillableAchievement)[
]]](else:)[(set: $dodgeCount to it + 1)You dodge the attack!(if: not $dodgeAchievement)[
](if: $player's health > 0)[You (print: $player's equipment's weapon's attacks's random) the (print: $monster's name) back!(set: $yourDamage to (random: 1, $player's equipment's weapon's die) + $player's attack's modifier)
You dealt (if:$player's awareness > 0)[1d(text: $player's equipment's weapon's die)(cond: $player's attack's modifier > 0, "+" + (text:$player's attack's modifier),"") = $yourDamage ]damage!(set: $monster's health to it - $yourDamage, $damageDealt to it + $yourDamage)
(if: $monster's health < 1)[(set: $xpgain to (round:(random: 3,10) * (($killStreak * 0.1) + 1) * $expMultiplier))(set: $player's exp to it + $xpgain, $expTotal to it + $xpgain)(set: $loot to (round: (random: 3,7) * (($killStreak * 0.2) + 1) * (1+$goldMultiplier)))(set: $player's stash to it + $loot, $killStreak to it + 1, $killCount to it + 1)The (print: $monster's name) falls over dead!(if:$quest's name is "Hunting")[(if:$quest's objective is $monster's name)[(set: $quest's current to it + 1)(if:$quest's current is $quest's goal)[ Quest Complete! Claim your quest rewards in the Quests menu!]]]
(if: $player's vigor > 0)[(set: $recoveredHP to ($clamp: (ceil: $player's maxhealth * $killHealPercentage),0,$player's maxhealth - $player's health))(set: $player's health to it + $recoveredHP) You feel good from your kill and gain (cond: $player's awareness > 0, $recoveredHP, " some") HP! ] On the (print: $monster's name)'s corpse, it had $loot GP. Your stash is now worth (text: $player's stash) GP. You gained $xpgain EXP! (if: $player's exp >= $player's nextlevel)[($levelScript:)](if: $player's level is 2 and $level2Achievement is false)[
($give2Level:)](if: $player's level is 5 and $level5Achievement is false)[
($give5Level:)](if: $player's level is 10 and $level10Achievement is false)[
($give10Level:)](if: $player's level is 25 and $level25Achievement is false)[
($give25Level:)](if: $player's level is 50 and $level50Achievement is false)[
($give50Level:)](if: $player's level is 75 and $level75Achievement is false)[
($give75Level:)](if: $player's level is 100 and $level100Achievement is false)[
(if: $killCount is 1)[($giveFirstBlood:)
](if: $killStreak is 5 and $5StreakAchievement is false)[($give5Streak:)
](if: $killStreak is 10 and $10StreakAchievement is false)[($give10Streak:)
](if: $killStreak is 15 and $15StreakAchievement is false)[($give15Streak:)
](if: $killStreak is 20 and $20StreakAchievement is false)[($give20Streak:)
](if: $monster's health + 20 < 0 and $overkillAchievement is false)[($giveOverkill:)
[[Continue Adventuring!|adventureINIT]]
[[Go home|claim]]](else:)[
(set:_mhr to $monster's health / $monster's maxhealth)(cond:_mhr is 1, $monster's healthstate's 1st, _mhr > 0.75, $monster's healthstate's 2nd, _mhr > 0.5, $monster's healthstate's 3rd, _mhr > 0.25, $monster's healthstate's 4th, $monster's healthstate's 5th)
(link: "Flee (Lose 1/4 of your stash)")[ Are you Sure? [[Yes|flee]]]
[[Inventory]]]]]](set: $openedInv to false)(if: $reloadBlocker is false)[(set: $reloadBlocker to true)(if: not $undyingLocketCursed)[Your life is hanging in the balance(set: $failedLifeThrows to ($player's health / -1) * 2, $successfulLifeThrows to 0)(if: $player's health < 0)[, and extra damage has lowered your survival rate.]
(live: 25ms)[(set: $rollResult to (random: 1,20))(if: $rollResult <= 10)[(set: $failedLifeThrows to it + 1)](else:)[(set: $successfulLifeThrows to it + 1 + (cond: $rollResult is 20, $player's stability, 0))]Instability: (print: '<meter max=1000 min=0 value=' + (text: $failedLifeThrows * 10) + ' high=1 low=1 optimum=0>')
Stability: (print: ' <meter max=1000 min=0 value=' + (text: $successfulLifeThrows * 10) + '>')(if: ($failedLifeThrows >= 100) or ($successfulLifeThrows >= 100))[(stop:)(if: $failedLifeThrows >= 100)[
Your heart faulters, and then stops beating.
You died!
(set: $deathCount to it + 1)
$blackout[[//Your vision fades away...//|aDayPasses]]](else:)[(set: $player's health to 1)
You become stable, and wake up an hour later...
(set: $cheatedDeathCount to it + 1)
[[Crawl Home|claim]]]]]](else:)[You're engulfed in a red light as you lie on the ground.
You died!
(set: $deathCount to it + 1)
$blackout[[//Your vision fades away in red...//|aDayPasses]]
]](else:)[You dirty cheater. You die from cheating.(set: $player's health to 0)
$blackout[[//Your vision fades away...//|aDayPasses]]](if:$seenShrineEvent is false)[(set: $seenShrineEvent to true, $eventsDiscovered to it + 1)]
(if: $eventsDiscovered is 2 and not $touristAchievement)[($giveTourist:)]
You come across a mysterious shrine, which is covered in mysterious runes. You cannot decypher what they mean. Looking around, you don't see any living creatures nearby. You could meditate here for a while, or maybe just take a rest? Maybe it would be a better idea to just leave, maybe something could go horribly wrong if you stay.
[[Meditate]](if: $player's equipment's locket is "Locket of Undying")[
[[[Locket of Undying] Place your locket on the markings.|placeLocket]] ]
[[Rest|Rest Event]]
[[Move on|Move on from shrine]]
You sit down and meditate for a while, reflecting on your travels, and the monsters you've slain.
(if: $eventResult < 30)[Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain in your head, and you feel dizzy. You stand up on alert, but nothing is nearby.(if: not $cursedAchievement)[
($giveCursed:)](set: $player's health to it - (ceil: $player's maxhealth / 5), _oldHP to $player's health)(set: $damageTaken to it + (_oldHP - $player's health))(if: $player's health < 1)[
(if: $lastStandChance >= (random: 1,100))[You nearly collapse from the pain, but you manage to hold steady.(set: $player's health to 1, $survivedDeathBlowCount to it + 1)](else:)[(if: not $usedUndyingLocket and $player's equipment's locket is "Locket of Undying")[Just before you collapse, you're enveloped in a white light!(set: $player's health to (floor: $player's maxhealth / 2), $usedUndyingLocket to true)](else:)[(set: $player's health to 0, $koCount to it + 1)The pain is simply too much for you, and you collapse.
[[Your life is in the hands of Fate]]]]](else:)[ You assume it was from the shrine, maybe it contained a malevolent magic.]](elseif: $eventResult < 70)[After a while, nothing seems to have happened. Maybe this shrine has lost it's power a long time ago.](elseif: $eventResult < 95)[You feel enlightened, and feel as though you know more about yourself, and the world around you.(set: $xpgain to (floor: $player's nextlevel / 10 * $expMultiplier))(set: $player's exp to it + $xpgain, $expTotal to it + $xpgain) You gained $xpgain EXP! (if: $player's exp >= $player's nextlevel)[($levelScript:)](if: $player's level is 2 and $level2Achievement is false)[
($give2Level:)](if: $player's level is 5 and $level5Achievement is false)[
($give5Level:)](if: $player's level is 10 and $level10Achievement is false)[
($give10Level:)](if: $player's level is 25 and $level25Achievement is false)[
($give25Level:)](if: $player's level is 50 and $level50Achievement is false)[
($give50Level:)](if: $player's level is 75 and $level75Achievement is false)[
($give75Level:)](if: $player's level is 100 and $level100Achievement is false)[
($give100Level:)](if: not $blessedAchievement)[
($giveBlessed:)]](else:)[You feel (if: $player's health < $player's maxhealth)[(set: $player's health to $player's maxhealth)much better, and when you finally open your eyes again, your wounds seem to have disappeared!(if: not $blessedAchievement)[
($giveBlessed:)]](else:)[relaxed from doing this, and it was a nice experience.]](if: $player's health > 0)[
[[Continue Adventuring|Adventure!]]
[[Go home|claim]]]
You sit down and take a little while to rest, taking a minute to eat some food.
(if: $eventResult < 20)[Suddenly, you see a beast come out from behind a tree, and you have to either fight or flee!
[[Get ready to fight!|Monster Encounter]]](else:)[(if: $player's health < $player's maxhealth)[(set: $player's health to ($clamp:it + (round:($player's maxhealth / 10)),1,$player's maxhealth))After a nice break from your adventure, you stand up and extinguish your campfire.](else:)[You're glad you decided to take a break, and you feel much more confident.]
After your break, you decide that you should:
[[Continue Adventuring|Adventure!]]
[[Go home|claim]]]
You decide to just leave, that the potential reward wasn't worth the risk of something terrible happening.
[[Continue Adventuring|Adventure!]]
[[Go home|claim]](set: $openedInv to false)Kill Streak: $killStreak
(if: $rolledHealth is not true)[(set: $monster's health to (random: 15,30) + $killStreak * 2)(set:$monster's maxhealth to $monster's health)](set: $rolledHealth to true)
(if: not $justAtEvent)[As you wander through the woods, you](else:)[You] encounter a (print: $monster's name)!
Maybe it hasn't noticed you yet?(if: $player's awareness is 3)[
You examine the (print: $monster's name), and understand that it has (text: $monster's health) HP.]
(set: $hasntReturnedFromInventory to 1, $monstersEncountered to it + 1, $justAtEvent to false)
[[Roll Initiative]](if:$seenClearingEvent is false)[(set: $seenClearingEvent to true, $eventsDiscovered to it + 1)]
(if: $eventsDiscovered is 2 and not $touristAchievement)[($giveTourist:)]
You find a nice clearing in the woods, and there doesn't seem to be anything nearby. This could make for a nice place to rest.
[[Rest|Rest Event]]
[[Move on|Move on from clearing]]
You decide not to rest, as you might get ambushed if you do. Who knows if you might've missed a monster behind some trees!
[[Continue Adventuring|Adventure!]]
[[Go home|claim]]<script>deleteSaveSlot("A");</script>(set: _str to (random: 1,6)+(random: 1,6)+(random: 1,6), _dex to (random: 1,6)+(random: 1,6)+(random: 1,6), _con to (random: 1,6)+(random: 1,6)+(random: 1,6))(set: _maxhp to 10 + _con * 2, _modifier to (floor: _str/2) - 1, _stabilityBonus to (floor: _con / 10))(set: _hp to _maxhp, _initiativeBonus to (floor: _dex / 3))(set: $player to (dm:"name","","level",1,"exp",0,"gold",0,"skillpoints",0,"strength",_str,"dexterity",_dex,"constitution",_con,"health",_hp,"maxhealth",_maxhp,"attack",(dm:"die",4,"modifier",_modifier),"defence",0,"stealth",_initiativeBonus,"traitcrystals",0,"stability",_stabilityBonus,"vigor",0,"agility",0,"relentlessness",0,"looting",0,"adaptability",0,"awareness",0,"stash",0,"healthpotions",0,"nextlevel",30, "inventory", (dm: "potion",(dm:"health",0),"lockets",(ds:), "crystal",(dm: "trait",0),"weapons",(ds:),"armor",(ds:)),"equipment",(dm: "weapon",(dm:"name","None","attacks",(a:"throw a jab at","deliver a right hook to","uppercut"),"die",4),"locket","None","armor","None")))(goto:"Read Stats")(set: $giveFirstBlood to (macro:[(set: $firstKillAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the First Blood Achievement!]]))
(set: $give5Streak to (macro:[(set: $5StreakAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Mega Killstreak Achievement!]]))
(set: $give10Streak to (macro:[(set: $10StreakAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Ultra Killstreak Achievement!]]))
(set: $give15Streak to (macro:[(set: $15StreakAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Godly Killstreak Achievement!]]))
(set: $give20Streak to (macro:[(set: $20StreakAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Impossible Killstreak Achievement!]]))
(set: $giveOverkill to (macro:[(set: $overkillAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Overkill Achievement!]]))
(set: $giveRich to (macro:[(set: $richAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Rich Achievement!]]))
(set: $giveDodge to (macro:[(set: $dodgeAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the "Can't touch this!" Achievement!]]))
(set: $giveUnkillable to (macro:[(set: $unkillableAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the "I won't go down without a fight!" Achievement!]]))
(set: $giveFlee to (macro:[(set: $fleeAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the "AAAAAAAA" Achievement!]]))
(set: $giveCursed to (macro:[(set: $cursedAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Cursed Achievement!]]))
(set: $giveBlessed to (macro:[(set: $blessedAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Blessed Achievement!]]))
(set: $give2Level to (macro:[(set: $level2Achievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Beginning of Your Journey Achievement!]]))
(set: $give5Level to (macro:[(set: $level5Achievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Learning Achievement!]]))
(set: $give10Level to (macro:[(set: $level10Achievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Competent Achievement!]]))
(set: $give25Level to (macro:[(set: $level25Achievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Adventurer Achievement!]]))
(set: $give50Level to (macro:[(set: $level50Achievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Experienced Achievement!]]))
(set: $give75Level to (macro:[(set: $level75Achievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Master Achievement!]]))
(set: $give100Level to (macro:[(set: $level100Achievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Demigod Achievement!]]))
(set: $giveHealthy to (macro:[(set: $healthyAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Healthy Achievement!]]))
(set: $giveTraits to (macro:[(set: $traitsAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Jack of All Trades Achievement!]]))
(set: $giveTourist to (macro:[(set: $touristAchievement to true, $achievementCount to it + 1)(output:)[You earned the Tourist Achievement!]]))
(set: $levelScript to (macro:[(set: $player's skillpoints to it + 3, $player's level to it + 1, $player's nextlevel to it + (round: it * $reqInc), $player's exp to it - $player's nextlevel)(output:)[You leveled up! You got 3 skillpoints!]]))
(set:$clamp to (macro:num-type _input,num-type _min,num-type _max,[(if: _min > _max)[(error: "I can't clamp a number if the max value is lower then the min value.")](out-data:(max:(min:_input,_max),_min))]))(set: $rerolls to 4, $day to 1, $res to 0, $traitTotal to 6, $vNum to 0, $killHealPercentage to 0, $reqInc to 0.15, $currentCrystal to 1, $dodgeChance to 0, $lastStandChance to 0, $goldMultiplier to 0, $expMultiplier to 1, $vigorousArray to (a:0,0.05,0.07,0.1), $agileArray to (a:0,3,5,10), $unrelentingArray to (a:0,1,3,5), $looterArray to (a:0,0.25,0.50,0.75), $quickLearnerArray to (a:1,1.1,1.2,1.3), $blackout to (t8ndepart: "dissolve") + (t8ntime: 3s), $usedUndyingLocket to false, $undyingLocketCursed to false, $quest to (dm:"name","","description","","current",0,"goal",0,"objective","","type",""), $adventuring to false)
(if: $monstersEncountered is 0 and $daysRested is 0)[You seem to have just started, as you have nothing to track yet!
](if: $monstersEncountered > 0)[COMBAT:
Encountered (plural: $monstersEncountered,"monster").
(if: $killCount > 0)[Killed (plural:$killCount,"monster").
](if: $highestKillStreak is not 0)[Record kill streak of $highestKillStreak.
](if: $damageDealt > 0)[Dealt $damageDealt damage.
](if: $damageTaken > 0)[Took $damageTaken damage.
](if: $dodgeCount > 0)[Dodged (plural:$dodgeCount,"time").
](if: $survivedDeathBlowCount > 0)[Brushed off (plural:$survivedDeathBlowCount,"killing blow").
](if: $koCount > 0)[Knocked down (plural:$koCount,"time").
](if: $cheatedDeathCount > 0)[Barely survived (plural: $cheatedDeathCount, "time").
](if: $deathCount > 0)[Died (plural: $deathCount,"time").
](if: $fleeCount > 0)[Fled from combat (plural:$fleeCount,"time").]
](if: $expTotal > 0)[TOTAL EARNINGS:
Gained $expTotal EXP.(if: $goldTotal > 0)[
Earned $goldTotal gold.]
](if: $eventCount > 0)[EVENTS:
Encountered (plural:$eventCount,"event").
Discovered (plural:$eventsDiscovered,"event") of a total of 2.
](if: $daysRested > 0)[OTHER:
Spent (plural:$daysRested,"day") resting.
Obtained (plural: $achievementCount, "achievement") of a total of $achievementTotal
(if: $level2Achievement is true)[Beginning of Your Journey: Level up for the first time.
](if: $level5Achievement is true)[Learning: Reach Level 5.
](if: $level10Achievement is true)[Competent: Reach Level 10.
](if: $level25Achievement is true)[Adventurer: Reach Level 25.
](if: $level50Achievement is true)[Experienced: Reach Level 50.
](if: $level75Achievement is true)[Master: Reach Level 75.
](if: $level100Achievement is true)[Demigod: Reach Level 100.
](if: $firstKillAchievement is true)[First Blood: Kill your first monster.
](if: $5StreakAchievement is true)[Mega Streak: Obtain a 5 Killstreak.
](if: $10StreakAchievement is true)[Ultra Streak: Obtain a 10 Killstreak.
](if: $15StreakAchievement is true)[Godly Streak: Obtain a 15 Killstreak.
](if: $20StreakAchievement is true)[Impossible Streak: Obtain a 20 Killstreak.
](if: $fleeAchievement is true)["AAAAAAAA": Flee from a fight.
](if: $dodgeAchievement is true)["Can't touch this!": Dodge an attack.
](if: $unkillableAchievement is true)["I won't go down without a fight!": Survive a killing blow through non-magical effects.
](if: $cursedAchievement is true)[Cursed: Be cursed by a shrine.
](if: $blessedAchievement is true)[Blessed: Be blessed by a shrine.
](if: $overkillAchievement is true)[Overkill: Deal 20+ more damage than you needed to kill a monster.
](if: $healthyAchievement is true)[Healthy: Have 100+ max HP.
](if: $traitsAchievement is true)[Jack of All Trades: Max out all traits.
](if: $richAchievement is true)[Rich: Possess 5000 gold at once.
](if: $touristAchievement is true)[Tourist: Discover all Events.
](if: $achievementCount is not $achievementTotal)[
Unobtained Achievements
(if: $level2Achievement is false)[Beginning of Your Journey: The only way you'll survive out there is when you improve yourself.
](if: $level5Achievement is false)[Learning: Learn more about yourself and your potential.
](if: $level10Achievement is false)[Competent: Learn the ways of the land.
](if: $level25Achievement is false)[Adventurer: Improve yourself far more than the average person ever will.
](if: $level50Achievement is false)[Experienced: Become knowledgable of your true power, and use it as your weapon.
](if: $level75Achievement is false)[Master: The world bows to your incredible knowledge.
](if: $level100Achievement is false)[Demigod: Exceed the expectations of Mankind.
](if: $firstKillAchievement is false)[First Blood: Do not be afraid of killing them.
](if: $5StreakAchievement is false)[Mega Streak: Be competent in a combat situation.
](if: $10StreakAchievement is false)[Ultra Streak: Hack and slash through them all.
](if: $15StreakAchievement is false)[Godly Streak: Let nothing knock you down.
](if: $20StreakAchievement is false)[Impossible Streak: Make the monsters fear your presence, as they know they are nothing.
](if: $fleeAchievement is false)["AAAAAAAA": Sometimes running away is better than fighting.
](if: $dodgeAchievement is false)["Can't touch this!": A quick movement to escape the jaws of a monster.
](if: $unkillableAchievement is false)["I won't go down without a fight!": Keep fighting, you cannot show a sign of weakness, even when you're about to die.
](if: $cursedAchievement is false)[Cursed: ???
](if: $blessedAchievement is false)[Blessed: ???
](if: $overkillAchievement is false)[Overkill: Don't just kill them, obliterate them.
](if: $healthyAchievement is false)[Healthy: An apple a day just isn't gonna cut it.
](if: $traitsAchievement is false)[Jack of All Trades: Become a master of everything.
](if: $richAchievement is false)[Rich: That's a lot of money you've got there.
](if: $touristAchievement is false)[Tourist: There's a lot out there to find.
[[Back|main]](set: $killCount to 0, $expTotal to 0, $goldTotal to 0, $eventCount to 0, $koCount to 0, $deathCount to 0, $dodgeCount to 0, $cheatedDeathCount to 0, $highestKillStreak to 0, $seenShrineEvent to false, $seenClearingEvent to false, $eventsDiscovered to 0, $damageDealt to 0, $damageTaken to 0, $survivedDeathBlowCount to 0, $monstersEncountered to 0, $daysRested to 0, $fleeCount to 0)(set: $firstKillAchievement to false, $5StreakAchievement to false, $10StreakAchievement to false, $15StreakAchievement to false, $20StreakAchievement to false, $fleeAchievement to false, $dodgeAchievement to false, $unkillableAchievement to false, $cursedAchievement to false, $blessedAchievement to false, $richAchievement to false, $level2Achievement to false, $level5Achievement to false, $level10Achievement to false, $level25Achievement to false, $level50Achievement to false, $level75Achievement to false, $level100Achievement to false, $overkillAchievement to false, $healthyAchievement to false, $traitsAchievement to false, $touristAchievement to false, $achievementCount to 0 , $achievementTotal to 22)<h1>BasicRPG</h1><h4>Version 4.9</h4>
(if: (saved-games:) contains "A")[
(link:"New Game")[Are you sure you want to start a new game? All of your current progress will be lost! [[Yes|ROLL]]]
(link:"Load Game")[(load-game:"A")]](else:)[
[[New Game|ROLL]]](goto:"TITLE")(unless: (passage:)'s tags contains "no-gui")[|maingui>[(cond: $player's name is not "", (v6mprint:$player's name), "Unnamed Person")
Health: (if: $player's awareness < 2)[(set:_phr to $player's health / $player's maxhealth)(cond: $res is 1, "Exhausted",_phr is 1, "Perfect", _phr > 0.75, "Good", _phr > 0.5, "Wounded", _phr > 0.25, "Majorly Wounded", _phr > 0, "At Death's Door", "Dying")](else:)[(print: '<meter value="' + (text: $player's health) + '" min="0" max="' + (text: $player's maxhealth) + '"></meter>') (text: $player's health)/(text: $player's maxhealth) HP]
Level: (text: $player's level)
EXP: (print: '<progress value="' + (text: $player's exp) + '" min="0" max="' + (text: $player's nextlevel) + '"></meter>') (text: $player's exp)/(text:$player's nextlevel)](if: (passage:)'s tags contains "full-gui")[
(if:$adventuring)[Stash: (text:$player's stash) GP](else:)[Money: |gold>[(text: $player's gold)] GP
Day: $day]]
You enter the Town Hall, and head to the teller.
"Oh, hello there(if: $player's name is not "")[, (v6mprint:$player's name)]! Do you need anything?"
You can:
[[Change Your Name]]
[[Learn more about any Events you've discovered|places]]
[[Take a look at the Quest Board|questBoard]](if: $questWeek is not (ceil: $day / 7))[(set: $questWeek to (ceil: $day / 7), _questIds to (range: 1,11))(move: _questIds's random into _q1)(move: _questIds's random into _q2)(move: _questIds's random into _q3)(set: $availableQuestIds to (ds:_q1,_q2,_q3))]
or just [[leave.|main]]What would you like your (cond: $player's name is not "", "new ", "")name to be(if: $player's name is not "")[, (v6mprint:$player's name)]? (if:$player's name is "")[(set:$cost to 0)Since you don't have a name, you can get one for free.](else:)[(set: $cost to 100)Changing/Removing your name will cost 100 GP.]
(input-box:bind $newName,"X",1)
(if: $player's gold >= $cost)[(link:"Change Name - "+(cond: $cost is 0,"Free", "100 GP"))[(set: $player's name to $newName, $player's gold to it - $cost)(goto:"Town Hall")]](else:)[(link-repeat:"Change Name - 100 GP - TOO EXPENSIVE")[]]
[[Cancel|Town Hall]]What will be your name? Or don't have one, your choice.
(input-box:bind _name,"X",1)
(link:"Come to Life")[(set: $player's name to _name)(goto:"main")]UPDATING, PLEASE WAIT...
<!-- no updates here yet bc wipe ;w; -->
"Welcome(cond: $player's name is not "",(v6mprint: ", " + $player's name + "," ),"") to Locket Pocket, where we sell various kinds of lockets! How may I help you?"
|lou>[Locket of Undying - 3000 GP - (link-repeat:(cond: $player's inventory's lockets does not contain "Locket of Undying", "Buy", "Owned"))[(if: $player's inventory's lockets does not contain "Locket of Undying" and $player's gold >= 3000)[(set: $player's inventory's lockets to it + (ds:"Locket of Undying"), $player's gold to it - 3000)(rerun:?lou,?gold)]](if: $player's inventory's lockets does not contain "Locket of Undying")[ | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "A golden locket with the shape of a pair of wings embossed on it. The wings are glowing with a white light. //Revives you once per adventure.//", "X")]]]
[[Return to the shopping district.|Shopping District]]
"Welcome(cond: $player's name is not "",(v6mprint: ", " + $player's name + ", " ),"") to Perfect Potions, where we brew only the highest quality potions! How may I help you?"
Health Potion - 20 GP - (link-repeat:"Buy")[(if: $player's gold >= 20)[(set: $player's gold to it - 20, $player's inventory's potion's health to it + 1)(rerun:?gold)]] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog:"A classic red potion. //Heals you to full health.//","X")]
[[Return to the shopping district.|Shopping District]]
"Welcome(cond: $player's name is not "",(v6mprint: ", " + $player's name + ", " ),"") to Unique Wares, where we have some pretty unique items! How may I help you?"
|tc>[Trait Crystal - (cond:$currentCrystal is not $traitTotal * 3 + 1,"Stock: "+(text: $traitTotal * 3 + 1 - $currentCrystal)+" - "+(text: 100 * $currentCrystal)+" GP","OUT OF STOCK") - (link-repeat:"Buy")[(if: $player's gold >= 100 * $currentCrystal and $currentCrystal < $traitTotal * 3 + 1)[(set: $player's gold to it - (100 * $currentCrystal), $currentCrystal to it + 1, $player's inventory's crystal's trait to it + 1)(rerun:?tc,?gold)]](if: $currentCrystal <= $traitTotal * 3)[ | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog:"A glowing green crystal, supposedly this helps improve a trait. //Can only be used on the Skills screen.//","X")]]]
[[Return to the shopping district.|Shopping District]]
"Welcome(cond: $player's name is not "",(v6mprint: ", " + $player's name + "," ),"") to my smithy, you need some armor or a weapon? I got it! How may I help you?"
|dagger>[Dagger - 200 GP - (link-repeat:(cond: $player's inventory's weapons does not contain "Dagger", "Buy", "Owned"))[(if: $player's inventory's weapons does not contain "Dagger" and $player's gold >= 200)[(set: $player's inventory's weapons to it + (ds:"Dagger"), $player's gold to it - 200)(rerun: ?dagger,?gold)]] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "Your average dagger, despite its very short length, it can be deadly in the right hands. //Damage: 1d6//", "X")]]
|shortsword>[Shortsword - 400 GP - (link-repeat:(cond: $player's inventory's weapons does not contain "Shortsword", "Buy", "Owned"))[(if: $player's inventory's weapons does not contain "Shortsword" and $player's gold >= 400)[(set: $player's inventory's weapons to it + (ds:"Shortsword"), $player's gold to it - 400)(rerun: ?shortsword,?gold)]] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "A standard shortsword, short and light, but deadly. //Damage: 1d8//", "X")]]
|longsword>[Longsword - 500 GP - (link-repeat:(cond: $player's inventory's weapons does not contain "Longsword", "Buy", "Owned"))[(if: $player's inventory's weapons does not contain "Longsword" and $player's gold >= 500)[(set: $player's inventory's weapons to it + (ds:"Longsword"), $player's gold to it - 500)(rerun: ?longsword,?gold)]] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "A standard steel longsword, long and heavy, but very lethal. //Damage: 1d10//", "X")]]
|morningstar>[Morningstar - 750 GP - (link-repeat:(cond: $player's inventory's weapons does not contain "Morningstar", "Buy", "Owned"))[(if: $player's inventory's weapons does not contain "Morningstar" and $player's gold >= 750)[(set: $player's inventory's weapons to it + (ds:"Morningstar"), $player's gold to it - 750)(rerun: ?morningstar,?gold)]] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "A steel club-like weapon with a spiked steel ball on its end, and is of medium weight. //Damage: 1d12//", "X")]]
|ferinber>[Ferinber - 2000 GP - (link-repeat:(cond: $player's inventory's weapons does not contain "Ferinber", "Buy", "Owned"))[(if: $player's inventory's weapons does not contain "Ferinber" and $player's gold >= 2000)[(set: $player's inventory's weapons to it + (ds:"Ferinber"), $player's gold to it - 2000)(rerun: ?ferinber,?gold)]](if: $player's inventory's weapons does not contain "Ferinber")[ | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "A well-forged greatsword, deserving of its name. //Damage: 1d20//", "X")]]]
|clotharmor>[Cloth Armor - 200 GP - (link-repeat:(cond: $player's inventory's armor does not contain "Cloth Armor", "Buy", "Owned"))[(if: $player's inventory's armor does not contain "Cloth Armor" and $player's gold >= 200)[(set: $player's inventory's armor to it + (ds:"Cloth Armor"), $player's gold to it - 200)(rerun: ?clotharmor,?gold)]] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "Simple armor made of cloth. Basically wearing a bunch of tiny pillows as protection. //Damage Reduction: 2//", "X")]]
|leatherarmor>[Leather Armor - 800 GP - (link-repeat:(cond: $player's inventory's armor does not contain "Leather Armor", "Buy", "Owned"))[(if: $player's inventory's armor does not contain "Leather Armor" and $player's gold >= 800)[(set: $player's inventory's armor to it + (ds:"Leather Armor"), $player's gold to it - 800)(rerun: ?leatherarmor,?gold)]] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "Armor made up of a leather vest, elbow, arm, knee, and leg pads. //Damage Reduction: 4//", "X")]]
|steelarmor>[Steel Armor - 1500 GP - (link-repeat:(cond: $player's inventory's armor does not contain "Steel Armor", "Buy", "Owned"))[(if: $player's inventory's armor does not contain "Steel Armor" and $player's gold >= 1500)[(set: $player's inventory's armor to it + (ds:"Steel Armor"), $player's gold to it - 1500)(rerun: ?steelarmor,?gold)]] | (link-rerun: "Examine")[(dialog: "Your stereotypical steel armor. Despite being your stereotypical armor, it still offers great protection. //Damage Reduction: 6//", "X")]]
[[Return to the shopping district.|Shopping District]]
You place your Locket of Undying on the markings of the shrine.
(if: $eventResult < 30)[(if: not $undyingLocketCursed)[The wings on the locket begin to glow(cond: $usedUndyingLocket, " once again, but... the wings are glowing red, how strange...", " Strange.")(set: $undyingLocketCursed to true, $usedUndyingLocket to true)(if: not $cursedAchievement)[
($giveCursed:)]](else:)[Nothing seems to happen, but you can feel that this shrine has magic in it. Maybe it tried to add magic to your locket, but your locket already has that magic?]](elseif: $eventResult < 70)[(if:$undyingLocketCursed)[The red glow on the locket fades away, but otherwise nothing seems to happen.(set: $undyingLocketCursed to false)](else:)[Nothing seems to happen, this shrine probably doesn't have any magic left in it anymore.]](else:)[(if: $usedUndyingLocket or $undyingLocketCursed)[The wings on the locket begin to glow white once again.(set:$usedUndyingLocket to false, $undyingLocketCursed to false)(if: not $blessedAchievement)[
($giveBlessed:)]](else:)[Nothing seems to happen, but you can feel that this shrine has magic in it. Maybe it tried to add magic to your locket, but your locket already has that magic?]]
[[Continue Adventuring|Adventure!]]
[[Go home|claim]]What locations would you like to learn about?
(if:$seenClearingEvent is false)[
[[Clearings]]](if:$seenShrineEvent is false)[
[[Go Back|Town Hall]]Shrines are very strange locations, which seem to have been long abandoned. Most shrines have lost their power through time, but some still have magic within them. Sometimes, this magic can be helpful, sometimes harmful. The shrines also have a marking on them for a certain locket. These markings can affect the locket in various ways.
Required Kill Streak: 5+
[[Go Back|places]]There are various clearings throughout the woods, and make for nice spots to rest during your long, battle-heavy travels. However, it can be rather difficult to see any monsters that might be hiding.
Required Kill Streak: 3+
[[Go Back|places]](if: $quest's name is "")[You take a look at the available quests to choose from:
(if: $availableQuestIds contains 1)[
(link:"Kill 5 Dire Wolves - Reward: 100 GP")[(set: $quest to (dm:"name","Hunting","description","Kill 5 Dire Wolves","current",0,"goal",5,"objective","dire wolf","type","killed","reward",100))(goto: "Town Hall")]](if: $availableQuestIds contains 2)[
(link:"Kill 5 Dire Rats - Reward: 100 GP")[(set: $quest to (dm:"name","Hunting","description","Kill 5 Dire Rats","current",0,"goal",5,"objective","dire rat","type","killed","reward",100))(goto: "Town Hall")]](if: $availableQuestIds contains 3)[
(link:"Kill 5 Liches - Reward: 100 GP")[(set: $quest to (dm:"name","Hunting","description","Kill 5 Liches","current",0,"goal",5,"objective","lich","type","Kill","reward",100))(goto: "Town Hall")]](if: $availableQuestIds contains 4)[
(link:"Kill 5 Jackals - Reward: 100 GP")[(set: $quest to (dm:"name","Hunting","description","Kill 5 Jackals","current",0,"goal",5,"objective","jackal","type","killed","reward",100))(goto: "Town Hall")]](if: $availableQuestIds contains 5)[
(link:"Kill 5 Kobolds - Reward: 100 GP")[(set: $quest to (dm:"name","Hunting","description","Kill 5 Kobolds","current",0,"goal",5,"objective","kobold","type","killed","reward",100))(goto: "Town Hall")]](if: $availableQuestIds contains 6)[
(link:"Kill 5 Goblins - Reward: 100 GP")[(set: $quest to (dm:"name","Hunting","description","Kill 5 Goblins","current",0,"goal",5,"objective","goblin","type","killed","reward",100))(goto: "Town Hall")]](if: $availableQuestIds contains 7)[
(link:"Kill 5 Death Hounds - Reward: 100 GP")[(set: $quest to (dm:"name","Hunting","description","Kill 5 Death Hounds","current",0,"goal",5,"objective","death hound","type","killed","reward",100))(goto: "Town Hall")]](if: $availableQuestIds contains 8)[
(link:"Kill 5 Wild Boars - Reward: 100 GP")[(set: $quest to (dm:"name","Hunting","description","Kill 5 Wild Boars","current",0,"goal",5,"objective","wild boar","type","killed","reward",100))(goto: "Town Hall")]](if: $availableQuestIds contains 9)[
(link:"Kill 5 Colossal Worms - Reward: 100 GP")[(set: $quest to (dm:"name","Hunting","description","Kill 5 Colossal Worms","current",0,"goal",5,"objective","colossal worm","type","killed","reward",100))(goto: "Town Hall")]](if: $availableQuestIds contains 10)[
(link:"Kill 5 Giant Moles - Reward: 100 GP")[(set: $quest to (dm:"name","Hunting","description","Kill 5 Giant Moles","current",0,"goal",5,"objective","giant mole","type","killed","reward",100))(goto: "Town Hall")]](if: $availableQuestIds contains 11)[
(link:"Kill 5 Cursed Wolves - Reward: 100 GP")[(set: $quest to (dm:"name","Hunting","description","Kill 5 Cursed Wolves","current",0,"goal",5,"objective","cursed wolf","type","killed","reward",100))(goto: "Town Hall")]]
[[Don't take a quest.|Town Hall]]](else:)[You're already doing a quest. Complete or abandon your current quest to take a new one.
[[Back|Town Hall]]]
|quest>[(if: $quest's name is not "")[Active Quest:
(print: $quest's name) - (print: $quest's description)
Reward: (print: $quest's reward) GP
(print: $quest's current)/(print: $quest's goal) (print: $quest's type)
(if: $quest's current < $quest's goal)[(link:"Abandon Quest")[(link:"Are you sure? Click again to confirm.")[(set: $quest's name to "")(rerun:?quest)]]](else:)[(link:"Claim Rewards")[(replace: ?rewards)[
You earned (print: $quest's reward) GP for quest completion.(set: $player's gold to it + $quest's reward, $quest's name to "")(rerun: ?quest)]]]](else:)[No active quest, get one from the Quest Board in the Town Hall.]]|rewards>[]
[[Back|main]](unless: (passage:)'s tags contains "no-gui")[(rerun:?maingui)](forget-visits:-1)(forget-undos:-1)